Silver Birches   10 comments

Walking through the woods the other day I thought that this wall of trees might make an interesting picture. It was overcast so there was not a great deal of colour to bring out, especially as many of the trees are silver birches. I converted the picture to black and white and ramped up the contrast to add some depth. I’m not sure if it works as a composition, what do you think?

10 responses to “Silver Birches

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  1. Interesting textures but for me it lacks a central point of focus….

  2. I’m of two minds. Part of me think it works, because it’s a true representation of the subject (WYSIWYG), and, I happen to like tress as photography subjects. But, then, like Ro says, there’s not a central point of focus. I wonder if a muted color would help…

  3. Some time a centre of focus isn’t needed when you have a wall of texture….I like but as John says may be a colour tint might help

  4. The texture of the bark has been captured, my concern and it might be my eyesight, is that it is not pin sharp,

  5. A beautiful frame.

  6. Looks a little flat in the conversion. Did you just use convert to black and white or desaturate? I find adding a colour burn layer, reducing its opacity can help

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